Game Plan to Vote

Are you a student currently enrolled in high school or college? Are you passionate about voting? The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania wants you to help get out the vote! As we’re approaching a major election cycle with the President, all 435 House of Representatives seats, and more up for election, it’s crucial that we engage voters early and effectively. This is a pivotal time for civic participation, and our competition aims to energize and educate our communities about the importance of voting and the electoral process.

How to Participate

Create a video (90-seconds or less) promoting voter participation. Videos can use TikTok, YouTube, or other creative platforms. Videos must be nonpartisan and focused on promoting civic engagement. Some sample video ideas could be: how to register to vote, how to vote by mail, and the importance of voting. Please use your creativity, and don’t feel limited to those three specific topics!

Submissions will be judged based on creativity, effectiveness in promoting civic engagement, and adherence to competition guidelines.


  • Must be currently enrolled in a PA high school or college

  • Videos must display voting information from either the Department of State or Vote411

  • Videos must be nonpartisan. For an explanation of nonpartisanship, click here!

How to Submit Your Video

Post to social media and then email with the link to the video. Please email if there are questions.

Submission Deadline

Monday, October 14, 2024


Prizes will be awarded for the top three submissions.

  • 1st prize - $300 and local League freebies

  • 2nd prize - $150

  • 3rd prize - $75