Starting Your Own League

No League in your community? Start one!

You can form your own League starting with the “Member-at-Large” (MAL) Unit process. MAL Unit administrative functions such as  financial management, by-laws, membership management and incorporating are initially handled by LWVPA, and the state League will mentor you each step of the way. From there, your unit can empower change in your community, or start the process to becoming an official local League! Read more about MAL Units here.

There Are Four Steps to Forming an MAL Unit:

1: Become Familiar With League Policies And Operation Guidelines.

2: Notify The State And Form A Leadership Team

  • Fill out the Local League Support Form and email to let us know you are interested in forming a new League and get help with any questions you may have. The support committee will then mentor and guide you throughout the process.

  • Refer LWVUS’s Starting a League primer document and League Governance Checklist for more details about the process, including what’s required for recognition.

  • Find interested members in your community and ask them to join as a MAL and write in the county or community where your League will be formed.

  • Form a Leadership Team. This can follow a classic Board of Directors model (president who speaks for the League, a treasurer, secretary, etc.), or be a more general leadership team.

  • At a meeting of your team , share, discuss and commit to the League’s nonpartisanship policy and DEI policy when developing ones for your League. Vote to seek recognition as a new Pennsylvania MAL Unit.

3: Apply For Recognition And Formalize Your Relationship With LWVPA.

  • Working with the support group, complete and submit letter of intent applying for recognition as an official MAL Unit, including any necessary materials.

  • All League leadership is required to complete Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training in accordance with League policies before official recognition as an MAL unit or local League.

  • You will have full guidance and support throughout this process.

  • The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Board will vote on your request and if approved will fill out the LWVUS application for your new League unit!

4: Get To Work As A New MAL Unit!

  • Meet as a leadership team regularly to get the ball rolling and put policies in place.

  • Share, adopt, and discuss LWVPA DEI and Nonpartisan policies for your own League.

  • Put a strategy in place to divide up operational work and advocacy efforts.

  • Develop and use communication tools for members and the public, such as a website, Facebook, Twitter, an online newsletter, etc. Be sure to follow LWVUS social media guidelines.

  • Subscribe to updates from LWVPA for information on important policies and League activities.

  • Follow LWVPA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Set some priorities for the year, with specific ideas about how your League wants to approach membership recruitment, voter education, get out the vote, advocacy, voter registration, and publicity. Work with your community members, neighbors, and organizational partners. Check out our recruitment resources for ideas. and email with any questions or needs.

Transitioning from a MAL Unit to a Local League:

When a Unit is established and ready, it may petition the state Board to be recognized as a free-standing local League. Local Leagues must also receive ultimate recognition from LWVUS. Email for details.

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