Statement From LWVPA On Dobbs V. Jackson Women's Health Organization Supreme Court Hearings

Tomorrow, the most important battle over reproductive freedom in 29 years will take place at the Supreme Court. The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania affirms the constitutional right of privacy of all individuals to make reproductive choices.

Here are a few steps you can take to support the freedom of choice — and with it, racial, economic, and sex-based equality:

1. Follow Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Center, which challenges the constitutionality of Mississippi's ban on abortions after 15 weeks. League of Women Voters of the U.S. is an amicus partner in this case.

2. Understand the implications. This map from the Guttmacher Institute allows users to see the potential effects of a total ban, a 15-week ban and a 20-week ban on how far people seeking abortion care would have to drive to find care.

3. Demand that sex-based equity be enshrined in the Constitution through the Equal Rights Amendment;

4. Support reproductive health organizations and supporters of abortion rights (like Abortion Liberation Fund of PA).

5. Join your local League or the State League to learn about and promote reproductive rights in your community.


LWVPA Is In Court This Week To Protect Voter Privacy


Statement From LWVPA Regarding The Announcement Of Envoy Sage As The Vendor For The Senate Republican Caucus