League Women Voters Opposes HB 38 And Politicization Of Highest Courts
January 13, 2021
Harrisburg, PA -- House Bill 196 passed through both PA House and Senate in the last session with no public hearings, no opportunity for testimony from members of the legal community or good government advocates, and no opportunity for amendment or debate.
It appears the same is planned for House Bill 38. It was scheduled for a vote on January 12, 2021 with just 24 hours notice and no invitation for testimony.
The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (LWVPA) is a century old non-partisan organization, begun in 1920 to register, educate and encourage women voters after passage of the 19th amendment acknowledging women’s right to vote. In the years since, the League has consistently advocated for fair elections, fair representation, and strong checks and balances to preserve our essential rights.
Since 1949, LWVPA has advocated for an end to partisan judicial elections here in Pennsylvania. Over the last seven decades, the League has worked to free our highest courts from partisan influence and the corrupting power of campaign partisan campaign funding. Merit selection bills the League has supported have sometimes been given a vote in committee, sometimes even passed in one house of the other, but never been given a final vote.
Since 1990, LWVPA has also advocated for an end to partisan gerrymandering of Pennsylvania’s legislative districts. Bills the League has supported have rarely been given a vote in committee in the senate, and as far as our records show, have never been given any vote at all in House committees, despite strong bipartisan support.
The League has also advocated for years for changes to legislative procedures. We arrive at our positions by study and consensus. According to that process, LWVPA supports changes in the Rules of Procedure that would encourage the use of joint hearings and provide for an automatic calendar ensuring bills are given a vote. We also support changes to ensure advertising of public meetings in a timely manner and more consistent enforcement of rules for open committee meetings and public reports
This issue of judicial districts falls at the intersection of those areas of concern. The bill would further politicize our highest courts, undermine constitutional checks and balances and expand opportunities for gerrymandering.
Our highest courts have long been essential guardians in the fight against voter suppression. The judicial district bill is an attempt to undermine that role. We oppose the bill and object to procedural rules that allow such a bill a vote while denying a vote for so many far better bills with far more public support.
Passage of this bill without a more open and deliberative process will mark a new low in the history of the Pennsylvania legislature.
We encourage immediate action in opposition to this bill: Contact your representative to say vote NO on HB 38.
Call Speaker Bryan Cutler and Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff to express concern that this bill is moving so quickly while merit selection never got a final vote, despite decades of effort on the part of the League.
Rep. Cutler:
Rep. Benninghoff:
Signed: Terrie Griffin, President, on behalf of LWVPA Board of Directors
CONTACT: Carol Kuniholm, VP of Government and Social Policy, League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania