The League in the News: 100% Surge on Voter Registration Site After Endorsement

From, Sept. 11, 2024

Taylor Swift’s influence is making waves in politics, whether Donald Trump likes it or not -- because a nonprofit organization has seen a massive recent surge in people signing up to vote using their online registration tool.

Celina Stewart, CEO of the League of Women Voters, tells TMZ that in the past two days -- which includes Taylor’s Kamala Harris Tuesday night endorsement -- they’ve seen a nearly 100% increase in people using the voter-registration tool on, a go-to resource for all things election-related.

What’s more, Celina tells us they’ve noticed a big shift in user demographics. On Monday, the biggest age group was 55-to-65-year-olds -- but by Wednesday, the largest group was 18-to-24-year-olds.”

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