Call to Action: Support Education Funding in your Community

LWVPA believes in ensuring a quality public education system for every child in Pennsylvania, which rests on the equitable distribution of increased state funding for K-12 education. On February 7, 2023, the Commonwealth Court ruled that Pennsylvania's school funding system was unconstitutional and needed reform. In January 2024, the bipartisan Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC) issued a report establishing "adequacy targets" to meet basic education needs, with a total target of $5.4 billion and a state share of $5.1 billion. The Governor has requested this funding in his 2024 budget proposal, but the Governor's education budget is unlikely to pass the Senate without public pressure.

This is where we need your help! We are partners to the PA School Works (PASW) coalition, which has developed a strong and focused plan to advocate for this education budget, and we need members and supports to take action.

Write a letter to the editor or contact your legislator today! Use the resources below to take action on this important issue:

Click here to view our Education Advocacy Training Session.

LWVPA is urging the following PA Senators in particular to support the Governor’s budget. Click each name for a fact sheet:

 Feel free to use the language below for a letter to the editor in your community:

 Dear Editor,

I write to express my support for Governor Shapiro's 2024-25 public education budget proposal. It aims to close the $5.4 billion funding gap in our public schools, identified by the Commonwealth Court last year as a significant issue. This proposal calls for a $1.8 billion investment this year to start addressing this gap, thereby improving facilities, staffing, and resources in our schools while providing relief to local taxpayers.

It's not just about the numbers; it's about our children's future. It's about ensuring every child has access to quality education and easing the financial burden on families who've been paying high property taxes due to state neglect. If passed, the proposal would result in an almost $XX million influx of additional funding for school districts here in Senator XXXX’s district in 2024-25.

With a $14 billion surplus, Pennsylvania can afford this proposal. It's time for our General Assembly, specifically Senator XXXX, to act. A poll last year showed XX% of voters in Senator XXXX’s district believe that public school funding disparities affect school quality, and XX% think the state should do more.

Using the surplus for tax cuts that mainly benefit the wealthiest is not what the people want. They want it used for our schools. I urge our legislators, including Senator XXXX, to support the plan to fully fund our public schools. The future of our students, our schools, and our Commonwealth depends on it.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Or, use these talking points to draft your own letter or when talking to legislators or community members.

Any action you take will help secure equitable funding for schools across Pennsylvania.


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