Natural Gas Extraction

Position in Brief: Support the maximum protection of public health and the environment in all aspects of natural gas extraction and production, site restoration, and delivery to the customer by requiring the use of best practices and promoting comprehensive regulation, communication, and adequate staffing across government agencies.

Support the prevention of burdening the taxpayer with costs of industrialization and unanticipated consequences.

Support the 2006 Pennsylvania Property Rights Protection Act without amendment, the adoption of minimum spacing requirements for wells, and the pooling of properties between corporate entities to maximize efficiencies and reduce risk in the extraction process.

Support the maximum protection of public health and the environment in all aspects of natural gas transmission operations through improved siting, regulation, inspection, and enforcement that is transparent and responsive to stakeholder input.

Position in Detail:
LWVPA recognizes that natural gas extracted by fracking is a finite, carbon-based, energy resource and that its production significantly affects the environment and the economy of the Commonwealth. Under Natural Resources positions adopted by LWVUS, we believe government policies should promote an environment beneficial to life through the protection and wise management of natural resources in the public interest. Under the Fiscal Policy position adopted by LWVPA, we support an equitable and flexible revenue system for funding state and local government services. Finally, in concert with the Pennsylvania Constitution, Article 1, Section 27, we believe:

The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.”

The League supports:

  • The protection of public health and the environment in all aspects of natural gas production, site restoration, and delivery to the customer, by requiring the use of best practices, and promoting comprehensive regulation, communication, and adequate staffing across government agencies.

  • The complete and proper decommissioning of wells.

  • The capping of abandoned mines and reclamation of well lands.

  • Encouragement of employment opportunities at the local level and economic development related to natural gas extraction that will result in new streams of revenue for state and local government agencies–but not at the expense of tourism related to natural recreation areas.

  • A sufficient fee structure on natural gas extraction for permits, bonds, and surcharges for the funds to plug abandoned and orphan oil and gas wells that reflects projected costs, to prevent a burden on Pennsylvania taxpayers.

  • Creation of a severance tax on natural gas as a revenue source primarily designated for:

    • the monitoring and protection of public health;

    • the preservation and enhancement of natural resources;

    • an escrow fund for supporting community adjustment as the industry grows and declines; and

    • research on the effects of natural gas extraction from fracking on the economy, environment, and public health of Pennsylvanians.

  • Legislation and regulation that provides for:

  • transparency in all stages of exploration, drilling, and production;

  • ensuring public input into decision-making regarding the location of facilities and related pipelines;

  • extending the timelines and parameters for testing water supplies;

  • balancing the rights of mineral and surface owners; and

  • establishing an efficient and effective oversight system for reporting potential violations and accidents.

Adopted May 1, 2010
Updated June 2023