Upcoming Events

Find recordings of past events HERE.

How to Disagree Better

How to Disagree Better

Bucks County Community College, Newtown Campus,

Gallagher Room

Hosted by Cheryl Graeve, National Organizer

National Institute for Civil Discourse, Washington, DC

The program highlights that we can hold differing opinions while still upholding our principles, as long as we respect one another. Each of us has a role in combating toxic polarization and bridging the political divide through civil discourse.

Join us to exchange ideas, listen to different perspectives, and consider opposing viewpoints!

Please click here to register.

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Wilkes-Barre League of Women Voters Legislative Brunch

Wilkes-Barre League of Women Voters Legislative Brunch

The League of Women Voters of Wilkes-Barre will hold its annual legislative brunch on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Jean and Paul Adams Commons (JPAC), Henry Student Center on the Wilkes University campus. The league has invited all local State Senators and State Representatives to attend.

Free parking is available directly behind the building, accessible from South Franklin and River streets. The cost is $20 for members and $25 for non-members. The event is free to high school and college students if accompanied by a school adviser. Advance registration is required by Monday, March 17. To register or for more information, visit lwvwba.org or call 570-675-3429.

When: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday, March 22, 2025

Where: Jean and Paul Adams Commons (JPAC), Henry Student Center, Wilkes University

Cost: $20 members, $25 non-members 

URL: https://lwvwba.org/Brunch/RSVP.html

Space is limited. Registration required by March 17, 2024.

For more information, contact the League at 570-675-3429,  lwvwba@gmail.com. League updates are posted to www.lwvwba.org and www.facebook.com/lwvwb

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SAVE Act Briefing

SAVE Act Briefing

The so-called "SAVE" Act and other proof of citizenship laws pose major threats to our voting rights. We want to be sure you understand the far-reaching implications these laws would have for your work on voter engagement, voter registration, and/or election administration.

Join the League of Women Voters of the US, VoteRiders, and the Institute for Responsive Government next Thursday, March 6,  for a digital learning session about the SAVE Act and proof of citizenship laws.

Click here to register

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Overview of LWV Federal Judiciary System Study Town Hall

Overview of LWV Federal Judiciary System Study Town Hall

The League of Women Voters (LWV) of the United States is conducting a study of the Federal Judiciary System to develop a LWV position on the Federal Judiciary as an essential component of US democracy. On Friday, February 21, 2025 at Noon via Zoom the LWV of Central Delaware County will share with our members an overview of the study and how you can get involved in coming to consensus on the study questions. 

The study's purpose includes, but is not limited to, addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics.  The scope addresses the Supreme Court as well as the other Article III federal courts. 

This event will also review the League of Women Voters national study process which involves all levels of the LWV - national, state and local. The consensus study process is used in formulating positions and in taking action at the grassroots level makes the League unique and sets the League apart from other organizations and makes us a powerful force. Once local Leagues come to consensus these results are reported to the national League to formulate new policy which will be included in Impact on Issues: A Guide to Public Policy Positions. Those Public Policy Positions can be used by local Leagues to “Take Action”.

The virtual town hall is being coordinated through our Civic Education Committee and will be led by Jodine Mayberry, our Legislative Advocacy Chair who has a background in following federal cases as part of her career at Thomson Reuters' Westlaw. 

This is a FREE event but to receive the Zoom link registration is required. To register CLICK HERE

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The Teeth in the Judicial Codes of Conduct

The Teeth in the Judicial Codes of Conduct

Wednesday, February 12, 7:00 - 8:00 pm on Zoom, The Teeth in the Judicial Codes of Conduct

Join LWV of Greater Pittsburgh and Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts for a discussion of the judicial codes and ethical standards to which judges should adhere in order to ensure fairness, integrity, and impartiality within the judicial system. Our speakers will explore key principles of judicial conduct, including conflicts of interest, transparency, accountability, and professional responsibility, and discuss recent ethical lapses that have eroded public trust in the legal process. Our speakers will be the Hon. Tim Lewis, former Federal Appeals Judge; Mandi Culhane, Attorney at GLB Law, and Debbie Gross, Esq., President of Pennsylvanians for Modern Court. The program will be held online and is open to the public. Register here to receive the meeting Zoom link.

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LWVUS Town Hall on the Study of the Judiciary

LWVUS Town Hall on the Study of the Judiciary

The LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study Committee has been hard at work preparing materials for League members to consider as we move toward consensus meetings on the federal judiciary.

To ensure League members are as prepared as possible, we have arranged a Town Hall meeting with leading experts, including Alicia Bannon of the Brennan Center, Thomas Berry of the CATO Institute, and Errin Martino NVG LLC.

The Town Hall will allow League members to learn more about the Federal Judiciary and pose questions to the speakers.

WHAT: Town Hall on the Federal Judiciary

WHEN: Tuesday, February 4, 2025

7 pm ET

WHERE:Online via Microsoft Teams

Please note that this is a direct link to the event that will be hosted on Microsoft Teams
. You may want to create a calendar invitation with this link for future use. If you are unfamiliar with Microsoft Teams, instructions on how to join the meeting are also available.

At LWVUS Convention 2024, delegates voted to proceed with a study to develop a position on the federal judiciary as an essential component of US democracy. The study's purpose includes addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics. For additional information about the study, including the study guide, policy papers, timeline, League discussion group, and scope, please visit the League Management Site. Please direct questions about the study to progplan@lwv.org.

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Running for Local Office Workshops
to Jan 23

Running for Local Office Workshops

Did you ever think about tossing your hat in the political ring?

Here’s your chance to learn about. . .

Running for Local Office!

A Three-Part Program Sponsored by the LWV of Delaware County

Thurs. Jan. 9th- 7:00 p.m. Zoom re: Offices, Filing Petitions, Campaign Finances, etc.

Wed. Jan. 15th - 6:30 p.m. Webinar for School Board Candidates by Great Schools PA

Thurs. Jan. 23rd - 7:00 p.m. In-person, panel of bi-partisan elected officials with Q and A at The Inn at Swarthmore

Registration is Required for live and recorded links, and resource materials

Part 1 Toss Your Hat in the Ring – Enroll at LWVDelco for links Part 2 School Board Candidates- Enroll at Great PA Schools

Part 3 Meet the Winners - Enroll at LWVDelco for hosting at The Inn at Swarthmore; includes a $35 registration fee (limited to 40 people)

Click here for more details

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Centre County Election Day Exit Polling Debrief

Centre County Election Day Exit Polling Debrief

Join the League of Women Voters of Centre County this Wednesday, December 11 from 5:00-6:00pm for a webinar on exit polling. Justin Crofoot, McCourtney Institute for Democracy, and assistant teaching professor of political science at Penn State, along with a coterie of students visited polling places across Centre County to speak with voters about their voting decisions. Learn more about their findings during this informative webinar. To register, email lwvcentrecounty@gmail.com.

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Art of the Vote

Art of the Vote

Featuring local performance artists, and an art exhibit demonstrating the joy of democracy, Art of the Vote encourages you to sing, dance, and laugh the night away. The League of Women Voters of Lancaster County and the Arts at Millersville invite you to celebrate our right to vote and ability to participate in elections.

In-person @ the Ware Center

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How the Judiciary Protects Your Vote

How the Judiciary Protects Your Vote

Presented by Mimi Mckenzie, this program is being offered and hosted by the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh and facilitated by Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts. It will be an informative workshop where you'll learn how Pennsylvania's judiciary system safeguards your vote, ensuring every ballot is counted, and your voice is heard. Discover the role of courts in resolving election disputes and protecting voter rights and get answers to your questions from legal experts.

Click here to view flyer.

Register here for this virtual workshop.

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PA Attorney General Candidate Forum

PA Attorney General Candidate Forum

Learn more about the Pennsylvania Attorney General candidates during this virtual forum, moderated by Ernest Owens, President of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. 

This forum is presented in collaboration with the Committee of Seventy, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts, the Forum of Executive Women, the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Bar Association, and the Philadelphia Bar Association

Virtual (register here)

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WHYY Yay or Nay: Does Voting Matter?

WHYY Yay or Nay: Does Voting Matter?

Voting is a “civic duty.” Our right to vote empowers us to make an impact in our communities. Yet voter turnout has long been a challenge. During the 2022 midterms, 43% of eligible city voters cast a ballot. During the most recent Philadelphia mayoral race, only 32% of eligible voters showed up at the polls.

Join WHYY and the Free Library of Philadelphia to discuss ways to motivate Philadelphians to step into the voting booth and exercise their democratic rights this November.

Register for this free event here.

In-person @ Philadelphia City Institute Library

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Poll Monitor Training, with Common Cause

Poll Monitor Training, with Common Cause

Sign up to be a Poll Monitor HERE. Once you sign up through the website, you will receive a Zoom link for the training from Common Cause. The training will be hosted by Amy Widestrom, the Executive Director of LWVPA, and run by Jill Greene, the Voting & Election Manager of Common Cause PA.

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A Screening of War Game and Panel Discussion, Presented by The Committee of Seventy

A Screening of War Game and Panel Discussion, Presented by The Committee of Seventy

Experience the powerful documentary War Game in an exclusive screening at the National Constitution Center, followed by an insightful discussion on the challenges and complexities of protecting American democracy in an increasingly polarized world. 

This is a free event but reservations are required. Seats are limited and available on a first come first serve basis. 

In-person @ National Constitution Center

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